Yogesh Shah
Founding Director, Palliative Care
Broadlawns Medical Center
United States
Dr. Shah is a geriatrician and director of Palliative Care at Broadlawns Medical Center (BMC). Dr. Shah’s areas of clinical expertise are Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and palliative and hospice medicine. Dr. Shah earned his Geriatric Fellowship from the Mayo Clinic. He is triple-board-certified in Family Medicine, Geriatrics, Hospice and Palliative Care. In March 2013, he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to develop a palliative care curriculum in Rwanda, Africa. Dr. Shah holds a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from Des Moines University. He has done noteworthy amount of work in the area of Social Determinates of Health (SDOH) in 50314 zip code in Des Moines, Iowa Dr. Shah has received numerous awards for his work related to aging and dementia. Recently he was awarded Iowa Juneteenth’s Health Practitioner Award and Preceptor of the Year Award by the Broadlawns Medical Center’s Residents. He received the Passport to Prosperity Award, which honors individuals who immigrated to the state of Iowa and have contributed significantly to the community.
Research Interest
Palliative Care