Call for Abstract

19th Annual Conference on Dementia and Alzheimers Disease, will be organized around the theme “”

DEMENTIA CONFERENCE 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in DEMENTIA CONFERENCE 2024

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Dementia encompasses a broad spectrum of cognitive impairments rather than a singular disorder. It refers to a decline in memory and other cognitive functions significant enough to hinder daily activities. Vascular dementia, arising post-stroke, ranks as the second most common type. However, various conditions, including reversible ones like vitamin deficiencies and thyroid issues, can manifest dementia symptoms. This syndrome results from severe cognitive decline due to injury or disease. Traumatic brain injury-induced dementia tends to stabilize, whereas progressive forms like Alzheimer's disease lead to eventual fatality. Dementia can be categorized by the affected brain region; "cortical" dementia primarily impacts higher-level functions like language and reasoning, whereas "subcortical" dementia typically affects memory and language to a lesser extent. Cortical dementia stems from damage to the cerebral cortex, crucial for memory and language processing.

Alzheimer's disease is a prevalent neurodegenerative condition characterized by progressive cognitive decline, notably affecting memory and daily functioning. It is marked by the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the brain, leading to nerve cell damage and loss. Onset usually occurs in older adults, impacting millions worldwide. Alzheimer's poses significant challenges for patients, caregivers, and healthcare systems, with no current cure available. Research endeavors focus on understanding its underlying mechanisms and developing effective interventions to alleviate symptoms and potentially halt disease progression.

Geriatrics dementia and Alzheimer’s disease represent significant challenges in elderly care. Dementia, a broader term, encompasses various cognitive impairments, with Alzheimer’s being the most common cause. Both conditions lead to memory loss, impaired cognitive function, and disruptions in daily activities. As individuals age, the risk of developing these conditions increases. Managing geriatric dementia and Alzheimer’s requires comprehensive care strategies tailored to each patient’s needs, including medical treatment, support for caregivers, and efforts to enhance quality of life amidst the progressive decline.

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects movement. It is characterized by tremors, stiffness, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), and postural instability. Parkinson's results from the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain's substantia nigra region. While its exact cause remains unclear, factors such as genetics, environmental triggers, and age may contribute to its onset. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms through medications, physical therapy, and sometimes surgical interventions like deep brain stimulation. Research continues to explore potential disease-modifying therapies and improve the quality of life for patients.

Vascular dementia results from impaired blood flow to the brain, often due to strokes or other vascular issues, leading to cognitive decline. Symptoms vary depending on the affected brain regions but commonly include memory loss and impaired judgment. Lewy body dementia involves the buildup of abnormal protein deposits in the brain, resulting in fluctuating cognitive abilities, visual hallucinations, and motor symptoms resembling Parkinson's disease. Both conditions pose significant challenges in diagnosis and management, requiring comprehensive care tailored to individual needs.


Psychiatry is the medical specialty dedicated to understanding and treating mental health disorders. Psychiatrists employ a holistic approach, considering biological, psychological, and social factors influencing mental well-being. They diagnose conditions like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia, offering a range of treatments such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle adjustments. Psychiatry aims to alleviate symptoms, improve functioning, and enhance quality of life for individuals facing mental health challenges. Through research and compassionate care, psychiatrists strive to reduce stigma and promote understanding of mental illness in society


Memory disorders and neurological problems encompass a spectrum of conditions that affect cognitive function and nervous system health. Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and amnesia are common memory disorders characterized by impaired recall and cognitive decline. Neurological issues, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous system, leading to a range of symptoms like tremors, muscle weakness, and seizures. Understanding the underlying mechanisms and developing effective treatments are crucial in managing these complex conditions and improving patients' quality of life.

Some of Memory Disorders are:

Focusing on the specialized care needs of individuals with dementia, encompassing Alzheimer's disease, dementia nursing stands as a unique field dedicated to providing holistic support. Nurses play a pivotal role in addressing the multifaceted symptoms and challenges associated with dementia, with the aim of enhancing the overall well-being and quality of life for patients and their families. Dementia nursing, spotlighting recent advancements and effective strategies in dementia care. Nurses will actively participate in dialogue, exchanging insights, sharing expertise, and gaining valuable knowledge to enhance the delivery of optimal care for those navigating the complexities of dementia.


Pediatric neurology focuses on diagnosing and treating neurological disorders in children, ranging from infancy to adolescence. This specialized field addresses conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles in young patients. Pediatric neurologists are skilled in evaluating developmental delays, seizures, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurological issues unique to childhood. Treatment plans often involve a multidisciplinary approach, collaborating with pediatricians, neurosurgeons, physical therapists, and other specialists to provide comprehensive care tailored to each child's needs, promoting optimal development and quality of life.

Cognitive therapies show promise in managing dementia symptoms by fostering neural connections and encouraging neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and learn. One prevalent cognitive therapy is reality orientation, which offers consistent details about time, location, and identity to support individuals with dementia in staying grounded in reality. Cognitive stimulation therapy involves participating in mentally engaging tasks such as puzzles, games, and conversations to boost cognitive abilities. Both approaches aim to improve cognitive function and enhance the overall quality of life for those affected by dementia.


The bioinformatics approach offers a comprehensive method for understanding and addressing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By analyzing extensive biological data such as genetics, gene expression, protein interactions, and imaging data using computational methods, researchers can gain valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders. This approach enables the identification of potential biomarkers, drug targets, and therapeutic strategies, facilitating the development of more effective diagnostic tools and treatments for dementia and Alzheimer's, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life.


Recent research suggests a robust link between early childhood trauma, such as that experienced during the stolen generation, and dementia. There is substantial consensus indicating that childhood trauma correlates significantly with the onset of depression. Those exposed to high levels of stress in youth, including individuals from the stolen generation, exhibit an increased risk of dementia later in life. Mental disorders encompass conditions that disrupt the ability to maintain a basic sense of well-being and wholeness, leading to overwhelming anxiety or vulnerability and resulting in enduring changes in psychic structure. Childhood trauma can impact both physical and mental health into adulthood.


While some mild cognitive changes are typical with aging, dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. Age-related cognitive declines are subtle and primarily affect processing speed and executive function. Although dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging, advancing age is the greatest risk factor for developing this condition. The prevalence of dementia rises significantly with age, with 95% of individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, being aged 65 or older. Aging poses a risk factor for dementia as the condition typically takes years to develop, often as a result of brain-damaging conditions like Alzheimer's or vascular disease. These conditions gradually affect the brain, eventually leading to the symptoms of dementia.

Providing care for someone with dementia can lead to feelings of distress. Your own physical and mental well-being needs may be overlooked while you're focused on the needs of another. While caregiving offers significant benefits like acquiring new skills and strengthening relationships, it can also be physically and emotionally draining. It affects various aspects of life, potentially leading to isolation, stress, and strained relationships. Despite the challenges, there's satisfaction in making a meaningful difference in someone's life. Dementia care coordination involves a community-oriented approach, aiming to deliver optimal treatment and support to apatients and caregivers through computer-assisted assessment, personalized intervention modules, and ongoing monitoring.

Alzheimer’s clinical trials and studies evaluate the safety and effectiveness of interventions in individuals to ascertain their viability. Without clinical investigations and subsequent regulatory approvals, there would be no advancements in treatments or therapies for Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical trials, also known as research studies, assess new treatments or medications aimed at preventing, managing, or treating the condition. They may explore various aspects of care, including improving quality of life. Currently, research focuses on Alzheimer’s Disease and Down Syndrome, aiming to transform the outlook for affected individuals through prompt progression into clinical trials.

Drug development in dementia is a critical endeavor aimed at addressing the urgent need for effective treatments. Researchers are focused on developing medications to slow disease progression, manage symptoms, and enhance quality of life for those affected by conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Efforts include targeting underlying disease mechanisms such as amyloid plaques and tau protein tangles, as well as addressing cognitive decline and behavioral changes. Despite challenges, ongoing research holds promise for advancing new therapies to alleviate the burden of dementia.